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2013 Tenuta Dell’ Ornellaia Toscana ‘Masseto’ IGT

Original price was: $1,800.00.Current price is: $1,500.00.
  • Producer
    Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
  • Vintage
  • Grape Variety
  • Region
  • Sub Region
  • Size

Tenuta dell’Ornellaia is located in one of the world’s most exciting wine regions: Bolgheri. A breathtaking avenue lined by towering cypress trees leads inland from the Aurelia, the old Roman coastal road, up to the walls of Bolgheri’s medieval hamlet. From the village the view extends far out to sea and on a clear day the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago and Corsica can be seen.

The mild maritime climate and the lush Mediterranean vegetation leave an imprint upon the character of the wines. Tenuta dell’Ornellaia’s unique territory guides all aspects of production: limited quantities to ensure maximum quality, attention to every detail, selective hand harvesting, microvinification and ageing.

Tasting Notes

97+ Points Wine Advocate
The 2013 Masseto paints a glorious picture of Tuscany. It captures an inspired moment in time and walks an impressive tightrope between power and elegance. In my preview tasting last year, I noticed the firm textural richness of the 2013 vintage and the crystalline sharpness of its aromas. Thanks to 12 additional months of bottle aging, that impression is evermore constant and concrete. The focus is there, yet the wine has also fleshed out and put on more velvety definition especially in terms of mouthfeel. It wears its pedigree with pride, but most importantly it offers the balance and integration to promise a long and healthy aging future. The 2013 vintage follows closely on the heels of the impeccable 2006 and 2010 vintages in terms of cellaring potential. This is definitely a bottle that should interest collectors.

97 Points Vinous
The 2013 Masseto boasts striking inner perfume and sweetness. Pliant and expressive at the outset, the 2013 starts to shut down quickly with time in bottle, which is probably a good thing for the long term. A host of dark red cherry, plum, mocha and licorice build in the glass, but structurally the wine is quite reticent. Historically, Massetos from cooler, late-ripening vintages have developed gracefully in bottle. I expect that to be the case here as well.

2013 Tenuta Dell’ Ornellaia Toscana ‘Masseto’ IGT